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New Blog and Whimsical Beach Watercolor Paintings

Updated: Jun 4, 2020

I'm starting up a blog (again) after a long hiatus! It was quite sometime ago that I blogged and I think I got bored with it...or maybe just never found the time or inspiration. I'd post paintings or drawings but honestly that was it. This time I want it to be more than that...

I'm inspired by the blogs I find when I google a recipe or DIY project or I expand on a Pin in Pinterest and I land on a beautiful blog full of inspiration and a huge amount of valuable reference. I've always been a sucker for Encyclopedias (!) how fun to open a page anywhere and learn and explore a new place, animal or thing! Now we have the internet and well, its endless!

I am not trying to recreate an Encyclopedia, but I have grown to love the ability to gather inspiration and to share it with others. So my aim is to add a little inspiration or curiosity, through my findings, experiments, inspirations and to share how I paint and explore a creative life.

I will kick this off with a fairly recent watercolor that I am donating and sending off to a local school's silent auction next week.

Painting these watercolors always brings me back to warm summer days...even when it is cold, rainy and gloomy outside.

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